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Information related to "Coptodera oxyptera":

Coptodera Coptodera aerata Coptodera festiva Setolebia Lebiini List of coleopterans of Sri Lanka List of ground beetle genera 2015 in paleoentomology Tamsica oxyptera Leptozestis oxyptera Asaphodes oxyptera Yellow-billed teal Paravandellia Tamsica Leptozestis Scieropepla Gyrtona Temnora griseata Conisania Polygala vulgaris Asaphodes Lotononis Coptodera Dodonaea Simyra nervosa List of Nature Conservation Act rare flora of Queensland List of Psychoda species Onobrychis Agra (beetle) List of Nebria species List of moths of South Africa (Geometridae) List of moths of Australia (Oecophoridae) List of Anseriformes List of Lepidoptera of New Zealand List of Australian plant species authored by Ferdinand von Mueller List of moths…

s of Madagascar List of Fabales of South Africa

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