Right Here Right Now is a short film written and directed by Anand Gandhi. It earned critical acclaim and wide audience appreciation in the following years at the Indo-British Film and Video Festival. It has achieved a near-cult status in the Indian parallel cinema.
"Jheeni" is a modified lyric from the 15th Century mystic poet Kabir's song "Jheeni re chadariya".
The song "Red Blossom Cherry" is inspired from a Zen Story. In the story, a man is being chased by a vicious snake until he reaches the edge of a cliff. He jumps from the fear of the snake, and clings to a tree. There's a landing ground below, but before he can land, he hears a lion's roar from below. The branch he's clinging to starts dangling. In the midst of all this, he spots a Cherry. He plucks it and eats it. The snake of the past, the lion of the future and the cherry of now!