Salvage Marines is an American science fiction television series, created by Sean-Michael Argo, Rafael Jordan, and Jamie R. Thompson, based on the Necrospace novel series by Sean-Michael Argo, and starring Casper Van Dien. The show premiered on July 28, 2022 with all six episodes of the first season being available to watch on that date.
The North American distribution rights were acquired by Screen Media on June 7, 2022.[1]
The series was first announced by SPI International on April 10, 2019 as one of four TV series they would be producing, in partnership with Philippe Martinez.[2]
The series is set in a dystopian future where society's downtrodden are offered a better future by serving in a platoon of deep space combat soldiers. Van Dien's character, Samuel Hyst, is a factory worker living on the planet Baen 6. He joins the military after learning his wife is pregnant and his societal debt would be passed on to his child.[1]